WOD11th June

Today it happened to be a class “girls only”. I am not big fan when it happens to be only girls, probably because I am used to compete more with guys. Anyways, I decided that from next week I am gonna change my KB to 53 lbs and my wall ball to the black one (20 lb), it’s time to move forward and push my physical limits even more. ย However, I have to say that I really enjoyed todays workout, as it was full body workout.

WOD1 (time challenge)ย 

  • 400m run
  • 3 rounds of:
  • – 10 wall balls (16lb)
  • 20 KB swing (35 lb)
  • 30 push ups
  • 40 air squats
  • 50 abdos
  • 400 m run

My time was exactly 18mins. I was thinking about taking 53 lbs kettle bell , but then I though maybe I won’t be able to ย make all 50 reps of swings, so stuck with 35 lb. next time ๐Ÿ™‚ But you know what, I was worried today when I was going with Nora to buy her food if it will be complicated to carry her food bag and lead her at the same time. Apparently, 30 lb dog food bag is peace of cake, I simply forgot with what weights I deal with during WODs ๐Ÿ™‚ That was such a nice feeling to carry this bag as if it would be just a little tiny bag of 2 lb ๐Ÿ™‚

WOD2 was AMRAP of 8mins:

  • 10 thrusters (35 lb)
  • 10 burpees
  • 10 v-sits
  • 60m sprint

My score was 3:30 rounds ๐Ÿ™‚

I can show of saying that I finished both WODs first, but actually it means nothing, because everyone is doing their best and not everyone is born strong or have been doing sports for a long time. I know how hard it is for girls to become strong, that is why I never feel great when I am better than other girls, because they push themselves to the maximum and it is all that counts.

WOD 9th of June

Today I went to Crossfit training and it was nice to be back after a bit more than a week of break. The reason why I chose to take a break was, because I did not wanted to get cold as I though that all workouts, due to gym reconstruction, would be only outside and it was raining almost all week. But, finally I managed to get there and for the first time I got there by my bike, which is an excellent way to make a warm-up.

Todays WOD consisted traditionally of 2 WODs which were both time challenge. I have to say, that I am happy to announce that even though I don’t like running, I don’t suck at it and I run pretty fast, well, at least comparing to the the others today as we all started at the same time and only couple guys were faster than me. For me it is a great encouragement, because I always thought that not only I don’t like running, but I also suck at it. Yuppy!

WOD1 – 3 rounds of:

  • 400m run
  • 20 KB tappers (35lb)
  • 30m burpee broad jump (come back by running backwards)
  • 30 squat (35lb)

it was really hard to run after making 30 squats, but even though I did not start being fastest, I needed up finishing first, though, of course, guys had 53lb kettle bells, so it does not mean that I am strongest ๐Ÿ™‚ My time was 17:38 min. and the guy after me finished 17:39min ๐Ÿ™‚

WOD2 was3 rounds of:

My time was 5:33min. This time I wasn’t the fastest, but still I was pround of making it really fast. And I have to admit that riding a bike made my legs even stronger, because I was surprised how easy it was to make 16lb wall balls, when before I was always kind of struggling with them.

That was my workout of the day which I really enjoyed. Tomorrow plans for some yoga (in the park there will be over 350 yogis doing yoga session tomorrow, so I plan to join them, though I haven’t practised any yoga since Barcelona) and defence wall rock climbing as it is at the same park ๐Ÿ™‚

WODs 25th and 26th May

I have to put 3 WODs of CF into 4 days and also go for climbing, so usually my weekends instead of being relaxing, becomes quite intense.

Fridays training had two parts and it was:


for time:

3 rounds of:

  • 400m. rowing (I always choose level10 as somehow find it not that hard to do)
  • 20 wall balls (16lbs)
    400m. running

My time was 15:20, I was 1 min. behind the guy that participated in regionals, no idea ow he did there, haven’t seen him before, but he looks really in shape. Anyhow, I felt quite proud of myself, especially when running is involved :)))) I really start getting used to it though, don’t supper mentally anymore that much and take it as it is ๐Ÿ™‚

WOD2 was AMRAP of 16mins of:

  • 10 KB lifts (don’t remember the exact name) -35 lbsย 
  • 15 KB swings – 35 lbs
  • 20 burpees (my killers…still not used to them)

I made 4+25 rounds.

Todays workout was also 2 parts. Actually, when I was walking down the hill and I saw group outside having a workout and it involved kettlebell and and moving from one point to the other (in my imagination – running), I honestly wanted to turn around an go back home. I did not feel at all like pushing myself, especially because my body did not have 24 hours break between workouts. However, I did not turn around and went to make a workout and was glad that I did, because it wasn’t that hard at all.

WOD1 (AMRAP 14mins):

I used for this WOD 35 lbs KB, but I think next time I will try to switch to 53lbs, as I find 35lbs not that challenging anymore.

  • 15 KB swings
  • 60m. KB carry (right arm)
  • 15 goblet squats
  • 60m. KB carry (left arm)

It was really enjoyable workout, I did not have to catch my breath and all in all did not find difficult, just kept moving all the time. My result: 5+32 rounds.

WOD2 was a bit more challenging and but still quite relaxing (with very much hurting abs ๐Ÿ™‚ ) – 14mins. AMRAP:

  • 6 box jumps (29″)
  • 12 ring push ups (that was quite challenging, especially after 4 rounds, to keep arms not going too much on the side )
  • 18 toes to bar. (for this I asked trainer to let me do sty else, as my both hands had almost heeled, but I was pretty realistic that probably after first 18 toes to bar they would be totally destroyed again. Instead of that I did V-sits with 12 lbs wall ball in my arms)

My result was: 6+13 rounds.

Next workout Monday ๐Ÿ™‚ I rewarded myself with banana pudding (put in freezer to have an ice cream). Will post a recipe and have for sunday brunch made a sweet potato pie (have no idea how it tastes like). I will post recipes of both dessert probably tomorrow. Enjoy Sunday!

WOD 19th May

I don’t know if my hand skin will ever thank me after this workout. This time, instead of writing, I just decided to take picture of the board with WOD.


WOD1, I used 35 lb db and I managed to make 8+10 rounds. The hardest part was that ,my workout started at 1p.m., therefore it was really hot and after sprint to start making snatches required lots of energy just to start. Once started, I was fine ๐Ÿ™‚

You can see picture of my hands after WOD2. It was not that hard physically, as 40-50secs. is a lot of time to take a rest, but my skin broke around round 13 (both hands). And when you think 5X16=80 pull ups. However, it was not chest to bar.

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And for finisher: 47 burpees on time. I increased a bit my shape since yesterday and managed to make them in 3:00min. Still, I need to work on technique, because I am really slow with those burpees, don’t get it why :)))

Don’t know how I am gonna make my climbing session tomorrow with all damaged hands, but my fingers are all right, so probably I will do some crimps. I am not blogging that much about my climbing, because it is much harder to measure the improvement or tell the results, because it is lots of trials and errors. And much more frustration than in Crossfit, maybe because I always feel that I suck at my climbing. Well, I don’t suck, I for myself I am always not good enough and there are always so much more harder routes that I can climb and then I injured one tendon and as soon as I start working on some very technical route, I have to stop after few tries, because my finger hurts too much. When you think about that, it is crazy that such an injury as pulled one tendon can influence so much, but, hey, it is rock climbing ๐Ÿ™‚ or, more precise, if in a gym, bouldering.


WOD 14th May

Todays training was a killer for my legs…I hate running and today had plenty of that ๐Ÿ™‚ Even in a warm-up that consisted of 2 rounds of:

  • 10 burpees (Don’t hate them that much anymore)
  • 10 ring rows
  • 10 push-ups
  • 10 superman
  • 400 meters run

how about that? Good that before training I decided not to run ๐Ÿ™‚ As I arrived earlier I though maybe run on treadmill for 10 mins, but then changed my mind into training my grip of campus board, so just ended up having a variety of pull-ups and hangs…

Our WOD was time challenge of 4 rounds:

  • 20 kettle-bell swing (mine was 35lbs)
  • 50 meters sprint
  • 25 push ups
  • 50 meters sprint
  • 30 squatsย 
  • 50 meters sprint
  • 1 min. break

These sprints were literally killing me. I haven’t been working out for a week as I got sick again. It is so easy to catch a cold when everyone around is sick and I haven’t been cold all winter, so have to catch up in spring ๐Ÿ™‚ So, my breathing was horrible and I was panting like a dog ๐Ÿ™‚ …Hardest part: run after squats and go down to touch the line at 25m. before turning back to complete the sprint. I am so not a sprinter…Anyhow, my time was 14:40min.

Then for the finisher we had total repetition challenge of 2 rounds of:

  • max. pull ups (I was doing kipping ones)
  • max. wall balls ย (16lbs)
  • max. push upsย 
  • 1 min. break

My total score of repetitions was 131.

What a great ย start of the week ๐Ÿ™‚ Honestly, I love working out and pushing myself…I wish I had been more fighting while sprinting, but we live and learn ๐Ÿ™‚