Week of Cross training

I decided to switch to training 6 times a week and basically I had kind of training all the days. I have my crossfit training classes 3 times a week and had a big dilemma whether I should pay more and get unlimited classes, but then again, I can come to the gym any time and make my own training, plus I do have some weights at home, so I decided to experiment so far and see how it will be going. I have been doing some workouts from “Give them Cold Steel“, also taking a look at “Outlaws” and still checking “Gymnastics WOD”. I am still all over the place,because can’t decide which I want to follow as you can’t make everything. “Give the Cold steel” is followed by Michele Letendre which placed first in regionals of my side of the world, so I am interested in comparing myself with her and see where I stand. On the other hand, Elisabeth Akinwale is being coached by “Outlaws” and she did an amazing job in the games, so I am inclined to follow whoever is the strongest. I would like to have a real coach, but I don’t have money for that, so I will just try to figure out the best way to deal with my training and see where it will lead. If I would pass to regionals next year, then I still would have time to get some serious coach and hopefully correct my weaknesses.

As for the week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday went to my Crossfit training, Thursday made training from other box in Quebec, because I wanted to compare myself with them and then went for endurance swimming at night (5min. swim, 2:30rest; 6min. swim, 3min rest, 7min. swim), Friday I made endurance training from Crossfit.com that included running (10x400m. run with 2 min. break in between), Saturday I went for a long hike with my dog and learning snatch technique and today I made Annie (50-40-30-20-10 double unders and sit-ups. Time: 12:40min. Have to cut it in half πŸ™‚ )

I don’t remember what was the training on Monday, though I do remember one part of it, it was:

  • 50 pull ups
  • 50 push ups
  • 400m run
  • I don’t remember what was the time cap, but I know that I made 2 rounds and that my palm were destroyed πŸ™‚ I am working on my butterfly kipping which is so much faster than regular kipping, though I still have to work on making sure that my chin is over the bar. My goal is to be able to make 30 in a row without stopping, as for now I am at around 15, so loads of room to improve.

Tuesdays warm-up was 10min. of double unders and I finally managed to connect double unders and not to have single in between. I was so so happy when I finally got it, because now it is just about increasing number of repetitions rather than learning how to make it.

Tuesday WOD (time cap 30min), my time 17:16

  • 30 KB squats (53lbs)
  • 15 HSPU (for the red we had to make them on parallette, but I am not there yet, so made hand on the ground).Β It was first time that I was making so many HSPU in a row and I made them kipping,Β which was a great practise, glad that learned kipping HSPU on Saturday πŸ™‚
  • 10 Toes to Bar Β (still working on kipping technique of Toes to bar, still not there yet)
  • 20 KB Squats
  • 15 HSPU
  • 20 T2B
  • 10 KB Squats
  • 15 HSPU
  • 30 T2B

That was a challenging workout, especially last round of HSPU, I had really concentrate and push myself.

Wednesday WOD1Β was called “No escape” and I really pushed my strength abilities with time cap 30mins. I did not finished on time, felt short last 30m. :

12-9-6 of:

  • Thrusters (115lbs).Β My max. power clean before was 115lbs, and now I had to clean in, squat and go overhead. It was super hard, like really hard, I could make one rep at a time. The afterΒ first 12, the next ones I was doing with 105lbs, because it was so hard and my technique sucks πŸ™‚
  • Release burpees
  • Pull ups
  • 60m. dumbbell snatch lunges (30lbs each hand).Β These lunges were draining psychologically. It was really hard to keep hand overhead and I could not lunge more than 15m. at one shot.Β 

Even If I hadn’t finished this workout in time, I was really happy that I made those 115lbs thrusters and when I was pushing a lot with lunges.

Then little short WOD2 for finisher (AMRAP 6min):

  • 12 box jumps (26″)
  • 6 power snatch (75lbs)
  • 60m. shuttle sprint

I made 3 rounds, just because I love box jumps, and 75lbs is not heavy weight for snatches, so I could make all 6 in one shot.

Thursday WOD I took from other box, because the result were already published, so I had what to compare myself with and I did really good πŸ™‚

8 rounds of:

  • 10 OHS (55lbs), could have gone heavier, but wanted to work on my technique rather than heavy pushing.
  • 15 release push ups
  • 20 V-sits
  • My time 15:36, so I beat their fastest in 20secs. πŸ™‚ I know it is vanity, but I like to compete and compare myself. How else we gonna improve? πŸ™‚

Tomorrow heading to the gym, planning to make Diane after training if there won’t be HSPU involved in WOD and to work on ring and/or bar muscle ups.

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