WOD 17th June

Are you good at double unders?

I am not, so I am glad that last week I decided to tackle that problem and
at least learned how to make single jump, double unders, single, double-unders. I am still not able just to
do double unders without having single jump in between. However, last week, I was happy when I managed to make 20 jumps without stopping. Guess what was the WOD of today? a million double unders….literally…I could choose to make single jumps, but decided to slay this dragon and better not to be the fastest but go with double unders…So, todays WOD:

Time cap 40mins:

  • 500 double unders
  • 1500m row (on 10th difficulty)
  • 150m over hear walking lunges (30lbs)

I did manage to fit into the time cap and made it in 37:37min. walking lunges were super hard after all these jumps and it was raining as crazy and we had to do it outside. Not to mention that I was already soaking wet when I arrived to the gym and obviously did even have a change of socks with me. But, as I always say: “C’est la vie”. I had to make back home anyway in the same pouring rain, so what difference does it make. It is still raining now ๐Ÿ™‚

For a finisher we had:

AMRAP 6 mins.

Result: 3 rounds. Finished just before time finished. Now I am limiting my rest intervals and try to go either unbroken for or rest 5 secs. After making a round, I took like 10-15secs. break. It really makes all the difference. I felt much more energized towards the end than at the beginning. I planned to make other WOD, but the Crossfit room was occupied, so I decided to save my energy for tomorrow training, as I am leaving tomorrow to visit my parents in law, so now I am kind of imitating Crossfit games with my training intensity. I tried to make a back squat yesterday holding Keven on my shoulders, but still not strong enough. Hopefully next week ๐Ÿ™‚ Then I would have reached 180 lbs of live weight. I am able to carry him around though pretty easily now ๐Ÿ™‚


Food choice challenge

It is funny that Mother’s day date differ from country to country. You would think that such an international thing as Mother’s Day would be the same everywhere, but no….I don’t know how it is determined here, in Canada, but back in my country Lithuania, it is the first Sunday of May. So, I congratulated my mom last Sunday. Father’s day is first Sunday of June. So, I always know when it is Mother’s or Father’s day…So, we decided to have brunch with Keven’s family, to spend time together. Keven’s sister picked the restaurant where they have Sunday Brunch for reasonable price. Last time when I went for the brunch with family, I was simply avoiding gluten in all forms, but did not omit diary and was not in Whole30 challenge. This time everything was much more difficult. So, before going there I decided to make sure that I am not gonna die from hunger if I would not find what to eat, so popped in before leaving couple of Broccoli fritters, just to make sure ๐Ÿ™‚ I also took some Paleo mayo, hoping that there would be some nice vegetables so that I could combine salad and just in case if they would not have olive oil. ย I like veggies, but I also like to have a dressing ๐Ÿ™‚

And actually I had very poor choice in the restaurant, because it was all processed food, fried, made in dough or made with potatoes (pate, fried bacon, fried potatoes, loads of deli meat, cheese plate, pasta, pasta salad, some stew, little meat cakes and etc). They did not have any boiled eggs and they did not fry eggs on site ( even though probably I would have eaten them, because they would not be organic ๐Ÿ™‚ )ย , the only egg choice was omelet, but I assume that they would put some wheat and diary in it, to make it more filling, therefore I did not risk. I was lucky that they had sea food table where I could pick some baked salmon and some shrimps. I don’t know if shrimps were having any additives, but I decided not to worry too much about it as they were not having any sauce on them. There was no vegetable bar, only salad bar with ready-to-eat salads, but one was with mayo (even before I changed my diet, I never ever ate salad with mayo that I did not make myself. I just find it somehow unsafe) and the other was with feta cheese and oil, so could not fill my carb choice with vegetables. So, went to fruit section where could get some fruits (watermelon, melon and pineapple). So, eventually my plate consisted of salmon, shrimps and fruits :)))) And I had loads of water and black coffee. If someone would have told me sometime ago that that would be my food choice, I would not have believed. But now, I felt totally O.K. with that. I wish I could have had better choice, but well, you can’t expect all the world to turn into healthy food. And I did not feel that much tempted to try out rest of the food, so when you don’t feel tempted, it is much easier to get around. But Keven indulged himself for both of us. Even desserts were not tempting me, I did not feel being seduced by croissant, brownie or sugar pie. Simply because I don’t know what is inside. I would not mind that much in general gluten, but I just can’t stand the idea of putting in my body modified this or modified that, some artificial sweeteners and God what else. So, just the idea about that totally turned me off. Even when everyone around were eating all the sugar load after having all the fat and carb load I did not feel bad. Not a tiny bit. First of all, because my challenge is almost over and I ย can really confirm that my sugar dragon was really slated, so I did not feel tempted by all the desserts. Second, because, even f I would feel tempted, I would still wait until I would go home and bake my own Paleo dessert that would taste as good or even better and would not have all the hidden nasty ingredients. So, I survived my Sunday brunch successfully and this time they were not asking me if I am gonna have a cheat day :))))


Seafood and vegetable curry

Yesterday me and Keven were making dinners whenever which one was hungry, so we were not dining at the same time. He still is finishing our food that we had before switching to Paleo, therefore he had gnocchi with meat sauce. It does not happen that often that we don’t eat dinner together so I decided to use the opportunity and enjoy some seafood that Keven despises (clamps, scallops and octopus would never be his food choice). So, I just decided to have a quick dinner and threw into wok pan whatever I could find on hand. It came out really nice:

Melt 1 tsp of fat of your choice (I used ghee), add crushed garlic, fry for 1 min. until it starts smelling. Add seafood and fry for few minutes until water starts evaporating and seafood starts grilling. Add second tsp of fat. Add cauliflower and fry it a bit with seafood (cauliflower was the only ingredients that wasn’t frozen, therefore I put in first to fry). Add spinach and stir fry vegetable mix. Fry until veggies becomes soft, then add coconut milk and spices. Let the flavours mix and simmer for couple minutes. I also added the mint and parsley pesto because it is very fragrant.
