WOD 14th June

I think today was one of the most physically intense days that I had for a while. Having in mind my bike ride to work that is 17km mostly uphill, I decided to take a Crossfit class after work today. To get to the gym googlemaps were showing 20km and it was definitely an interesting ride and I am glad that I wrote down the streets before leaving, because my iPod map of course decided to drop pin somewhere by itself and erase my route πŸ™‚ it took me 50mins. to get to the gym and I arrived 15mins. before class started. Obviously, I decided to skip warm-up which included running, as I think 50mins. of intense riding is more that enough for the body to warm up.

Todays training consisted of 2 AMRAP of 15mins:Β 


  • 20 box jumps (decided to go with guys and took 29″ height)
  • 20 wall balls (again, following guys with black ball of 20 lb)
  • 20 burpees
  • 400m rowing (on the hardest scale)
Result: 2+25 rounds.

I told myself that I will start going on heavier equipment from next week, but as there was an opportunity, I decided to try out the 20lb wall ball, having in mind how easily I was doing 16 lb previous trainings. It is definitely harder, but much more rewarding. Regarding box jumps, I have already done 29″ box so it wasn’t that hard and rowing is not a big deal for me.


  • 5 Floor press (95lb)
  • 10 handstand push ups (did pike press)
  • 15 release push ups
  • 10 roll abs
Result: 3+31 rounds

Actually I tried to make 115lb floor press, but as I have done floor press only once before, I think I overestimated myself, because I was not able to lift it πŸ™‚ So, ended up changing weight to 95lb that was quite doable πŸ™‚ As for handstand pushups I still need to practise them and I did not feel that I would be able to make them after floor press and even if I would make them first round there was no way I could see myself making them second round. Anyways, my plan is to try to make them tomorrow after training and see how it will go.

After training I still had to get back home and go steep uphill, I have to say that my legs were a bit shaky, but all went fine and it was soooo good to take a long warm shower to release the muscle tension. I wonder what will be tomorrow’s training πŸ™‚

WOD11th June

Today it happened to be a class “girls only”. I am not big fan when it happens to be only girls, probably because I am used to compete more with guys. Anyways, I decided that from next week I am gonna change my KB to 53 lbs and my wall ball to the black one (20 lb), it’s time to move forward and push my physical limits even more. Β However, I have to say that I really enjoyed todays workout, as it was full body workout.

WOD1 (time challenge)Β 

  • 400m run
  • 3 rounds of:
  • – 10 wall balls (16lb)
  • 20 KB swing (35 lb)
  • 30 push ups
  • 40 air squats
  • 50 abdos
  • 400 m run

My time was exactly 18mins. I was thinking about taking 53 lbs kettle bell , but then I though maybe I won’t be able to Β make all 50 reps of swings, so stuck with 35 lb. next time πŸ™‚ But you know what, I was worried today when I was going with Nora to buy her food if it will be complicated to carry her food bag and lead her at the same time. Apparently, 30 lb dog food bag is peace of cake, I simply forgot with what weights I deal with during WODs πŸ™‚ That was such a nice feeling to carry this bag as if it would be just a little tiny bag of 2 lb πŸ™‚

WOD2 was AMRAP of 8mins:

  • 10 thrusters (35 lb)
  • 10 burpees
  • 10 v-sits
  • 60m sprint

My score was 3:30 rounds πŸ™‚

I can show of saying that I finished both WODs first, but actually it means nothing, because everyone is doing their best and not everyone is born strong or have been doing sports for a long time. I know how hard it is for girls to become strong, that is why I never feel great when I am better than other girls, because they push themselves to the maximum and it is all that counts.

When it’s raining outside…

My CF gym is closed for renovation and now all workouts are supposed to be outside and I have to admit that I have no particular wish to go and work outside when it is pouring rain and is not that warm. I don’t mind that if I would not get cold every week and I hate even the though of a little sore throat πŸ™‚ As June started, I decided not to buy a bus pass and go everywhere with a bike. I got a bike today, used one, but it seems to be pretty fast, so hopefully I will improve a lot the ride time to my work πŸ™‚ Anyhow, it has been raining today all day as I haven’t done as much as having test rides with bikes, so towards the evening my body started asking the workout. Literally, I had to get up from the coach and get some workout. I decided to create one workout myself, because I missed jump rope, so I made 20 rounds (50sec.on. 10sec.off) of jumps rope and abs. Basically it was round of jump rope, round of abs exercise, round of jump rope, round of abs exercise etc. I was just going randomly through abs exercises, trying to work out all different muscles. At the end of it I was sweating, because, as you know, jump rope is a good cardio, especially if you are doing high knees πŸ™‚

But…..I was still missing some action. So, I decided to take an old Bodyrock.tv challenge (when it was still Zuzanna there, hate new Bodyrock site and new host) that was to make 500 Side Lunge Jumps Challenge for time. I broke 500 reps into 50 reps sections with small break in between and my time was 13min. 20secs. That was a leg killer and I am sure my ass will thank me tomorrow. These two workout basically satisfied my need for working out….I hope to go to climbing gym tomorrow if it will not be pouring too much πŸ™‚ if it will be,then I will have some new workout to think of and I think I have a future one πŸ™‚ I also made some treats, though not sweet enough for Keven, but super easy to make and sweetness is adjustable πŸ™‚