My delivery arrived

Today I got the huge box πŸ™‚

It is my almond and coconut four delivery. I decided to buy a lot, to have for a long time, especially having in mind that Christmas are not that far away actually. I mean, they will come and I don’t want to worry about what I am gonna do πŸ™‚

I also ordered some stuff to try out, especially regarding my protein intake (the protein powder is so not for me and makes me feel bad and gain weight) and I am kind of bored with eggs and fish, so decided to try out some other stuff. So, I got spirulina powder and hemp protein powder and hemp seeds. I also ordered Β maca powder and Β chia seeds for all the goodies that they have inside πŸ˜‰

When it’s raining outside…

My CF gym is closed for renovation and now all workouts are supposed to be outside and I have to admit that I have no particular wish to go and work outside when it is pouring rain and is not that warm. I don’t mind that if I would not get cold every week and I hate even the though of a little sore throat πŸ™‚ As June started, I decided not to buy a bus pass and go everywhere with a bike. I got a bike today, used one, but it seems to be pretty fast, so hopefully I will improve a lot the ride time to my work πŸ™‚ Anyhow, it has been raining today all day as I haven’t done as much as having test rides with bikes, so towards the evening my body started asking the workout. Literally, I had to get up from the coach and get some workout. I decided to create one workout myself, because I missed jump rope, so I made 20 rounds (50sec.on. of jumps rope and abs. Basically it was round of jump rope, round of abs exercise, round of jump rope, round of abs exercise etc. I was just going randomly through abs exercises, trying to work out all different muscles. At the end of it I was sweating, because, as you know, jump rope is a good cardio, especially if you are doing high knees πŸ™‚

But…..I was still missing some action. So, I decided to take an old challenge (when it was still Zuzanna there, hate new Bodyrock site and new host) that was to make 500 Side Lunge Jumps Challenge for time. I broke 500 reps into 50 reps sections with small break in between and my time was 13min. 20secs. That was a leg killer and I am sure my ass will thank me tomorrow. These two workout basically satisfied my need for working out….I hope to go to climbing gym tomorrow if it will not be pouring too much πŸ™‚ if it will be,then I will have some new workout to think of and I think I have a future one πŸ™‚ I also made some treats, though not sweet enough for Keven, but super easy to make and sweetness is adjustable πŸ™‚

My romance with books and Jeffrey Archer “A prison diary”

Since I was little girl I was in love with books. If you would ask anyone from my elementary school how they remember me, they would answer that reading books during classes rather than listening to the teacher. Maybe because the book world was be much more interesting than what the teacher had to say. But it doesn’t mean that I was a bad student…I think that it bought me one very important skill: multitasking. To read book and at the same time listen to what the teacher is talking about so that I wouldn’t be caught making a crime. If you can answer what the teacher is talking about you can’t be accused of not listening πŸ™‚ So, I would be reading books on my way to school, in school, back from school, at home. I read so many of them and I still love reading, but I try not to buy books. I still have tons of books back in Lithuania that I bought while I was studying in university. Guess what was my subject? Philosophy…So, whenever I tell people that I studied philosophy they all say, but it is so much reading…well, not if you like reading πŸ™‚ So…I had to leave all my books…then the same happened when I decided to leave Spain…I donated my books to the library…now in canada, even though I try not to buy books, I still buy them. So, I just try to limit my visits in Amazon and increase my visits in local library that has pretty good variety of books.

Yesterday night I finished reading Jeffrey Archey “A prison diary”. I was glad that I finished reading this book, because there were many books before that I did not finish reading as they haven’t captured my attention enough before it would be time Β to give them back to the library. The book is written in the diary form and it definitely captures an attention because there are so many things that you can learn from it. Did you know that heroine stays in blood only 24 hours if you drink lots of water after injection while weed, cocaine and other drugs show traces 30 days after? This is one of the reasons why many inmates become heroin addicts in prison even if before they haven’t touched hard drug in their lives, simply because you sentence can be prolonged in they find let’s say weed traces in your blood. I did not know that. Or for instance that lifers (the people sentenced for long time or for life) are much less likely to cause problems than other prisoners, because they want to have more relaxed life and more privileges? I though that they are the most dangerous one in prison. Did you know that on average in high security prison you spend 22 hours locked in your cell? Can you imagine being locked up for so long every day? The book also tells the stories of other prisoners and why they are hear, how they see their future and what are their perspectives…I learned a lot reading this book and can’t wait to start reading the second book, because I believe that there is a trilogy, because the author was sentenced for 4 years and “A prison diary” describes only the first prison where he spend 3 weeks while he was appointed to other prison. I know that this book received lots of discussions and UK prison authorities demanded it to be banned and I am sure that there are many critics out there that would criticize this book, but I enjoyed reading it and thats all that matters.

My All-Time Favorite Video Game

Combination of Image:Broom_icon.svg and Image:...

Image via Wikipedia

LOL….I don’t play video games, not that I would not like them, but because I am scared to get addicted. So, I simply state that I don’t like them and then I am protected. However, I remember when I was probably 16 years old, I was really hooked up on “Need for Speed Underground“. I would spend hours playing this game, racing with different cars and finally getting to know different car models. I still have really vivid memory of going out to a town party and seeing people looking at something passing with awe, and then I saw it…it was one of those impressive sport cars and I knew which one it was….lamborgini murcielago….I felt really pround of myself that moment that I could identify car and then I laughed in my head….I would not take it, because it is so hard to control: when you try to race, it is super sensitive and always slides outside the road :))))))

So, probably that would be my favourite video game πŸ™‚

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