
I did not have time to post my training results yesterday and actualy they were not so great, I was feeling quite fatigued and weak. I did outlaw training and then group wod.

WOD 121211:
BB Gymnastics

1) 5X2 3 Position Snatch (low to high) – heavier than last week, rest 60 seconds, DEMO VIDEO

2×95#. Was a bit pressing out on third snatch, so dropped weight to be more smooth to 2×90#. Last set did @100#, but missed on 1st second snatch an on second-3rd snatch. I found this exercise super tiring.
2) 5X2 3 Position Clean + 1 Push Jerk (low to high) – heavier than last week, rest 60 sec.

totally fucked up. My lower back was hurting, i had mh ex. Oly coach next to me training ( when I took free Oly classes back in September). My last pull was horrible all the times, did not do anythig heavier than last week, stayed all time with 120# and still felt weak as f..ck.

3a) 3X3 5-Step Duck Walk – medium/heavy, rest 60 sec. DEMO VIDEO
thats a funny exercise and hard. Have tou ever tried to walk in squat backwards with barbell over you head? 🙂 did 2×65# and 1×75#

3b) 3X5 Push Press – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec.
did all at 115#. Probably could have gone higher, but with was scared to fail last reps, especially after jot doing so well on cleans before.
Notes: One rep of Duck Walks would include 5 steps forward and 5 steps back. After each set the athlete should stand, drop the weight, and Snatch it again before beginning the next rep. Use a weight that is manageable, especially if this is your first time performing a weighted Duck Walk. Spencer DOES NOT walk back in the demo video (@100kg)—it is a no-rep.


Back Squat: 3X10 – absolutely heaviest possible each set, rest as needed.

made 2×155# and 1×165#. holly crap that felt heavy, especially for 10reps in a row. I did strength training after making group wod, so that really made me een weaker as usual.

Directly after BBG I made group wod and I felt realy demotyvated even to start. No energy at all. And for RX I had to make chest to bar, it did not workout, i would get chest to bar one out of 3-4, so after while I just startwd making regular pull ups. Here is the wod:
2 rounds of:
15 thrusters@75#
10 burpee box jumps@60cm
15 KB taters@35#
10 BBJ@60cm
15 K2E
10 BBJ@60cm
15 pull ups
10 BBJ@60cm

It’s not bad time, but I was still very disappointed by myself by not bein able to pull those chest to bar pull ups.

WOD 31st August

Yesterday I felt really excited to see what will be a WOD of today from Outlaw and once I hit the gym and started doing my workout, I felt like shit. Literally, no power in me, footwork horrible, wanted to quit few times, finished it though.

WOD 120831:

BB Gymnastics

1) 7X1 1 Hang Power Snatch + 1 Power Snatch + 2 OHS as fast as possible – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec (exactly). Notes: This should be performed as a complex. Do not drop the bar between movements. The OHS should be down and up for both reps without hesitation.

Result: 2×75#, 4×85#, 1×75#. I felt really weak doing these, especially because last time I was making 95# hang snatches. However, I did not go up from 85#, because I wanted to make sure that I am stable while doing OHS. At least that was my PR for OHS and it did not feel that hard.

2) 7X1 1 Hang Power Clean + 1 Power Clean + 2 Push Jerks – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec (exactly). Notes: These should be UB reps, if you cannot perform them UB then lower the load.

Result: 4×95#, 3×105#. For last one I tried to make 115#, but failed on jerk, so went back to 105#. Did not feel strong and having much power at all. At beginning was even struggling a bit with 95#, so continued with that weight till felt stable and concentrated. Not best day for Oly.


5 rounds for total reps:

  • 1 min AMRAP of:
  • 5 Over the Box Jumps 24″
  • 10 KBS 32/24kg
  • 5 Over the Box Jumps24″
  • 5 Thrusters 95#
  • *Rest 1 minute after each round.
  • RESULT: 105reps. That was fun workout…hardest part is to clean barbell after making jumps when you try to catch breath and motivate yourself to do that while you see on the clock 10secs.  or less left.


1a) 3X10 “Strict” Weighted GH Raise – heaviest possible, rest 60 sec. (no swing, start from a position parallel to the floor)Result: 10#, 25#, 25#

1b) 3XME Hanging L-Hold – rest 60 sec. Result: 13secs, 11secs, 10secs.

After that I took little break, then decided to work on my skills and made 3 rounds of:

  • 15 ring dips (used thinnest elastic band)
  • 30sec. handstand.

Then, I thought that it would be time to make Blackbox challenge as obviously I would not be able to make it tomorrow as I will be having 2 workout anyways. This week challenge was for Muscular Endurance to make 100 bench press 85# for time. RESULT: 10:48min. 

Overall, todays mood wasn’t the best, because I want to push more and I am still struggling with so many details, like putting elbows up fast when making clean, being stable doing snatch, using explosiveness for jerks and so on. So, probably for me best would be to use advice of this poster 🙂